Ultieme spamblocker
Laatst kreeg ik een mail van ene Joichi Ito. Het was een automatische respons op een mail die ik hem had gestuurd. Lees maar mee:
You just sent an email to my jito@neoteny.com account, which is now being managed by my Mailblocks spam-free email service. (If you didn’t recently send a message to me, please see the Note below*.)
Because this is the first time you have sent to this email account, please confirm yourself so you'll be recognized when you send to me in the future.
It's simple. To prove your message comes from a human and not a computer, go to:
http://app1.mailblocks.com/confirm2.aspx?ck= *
If you have not confirmed within several days, your message will automatically be deleted.
*Note: If you did not send the above message to me, and you would like to report this email as unwanted, please notify Mailblocks by clicking here, and we will ensure that you do not receive any further notification regarding the above message. Mailblocks investigates all reports made using this link.
Dit is een service van het bedrijf mailblocks.com. De eerste mail die je Joichi stuurt worden gescand, alleen een levend persoon kan zich legitimeren. Alle spam wordt geblokt. Voor de eerste 5 mb rekent het bedrijf niks, meer verkeer is duurder.
via MvK
You just sent an email to my jito@neoteny.com account, which is now being managed by my Mailblocks spam-free email service. (If you didn’t recently send a message to me, please see the Note below*.)
Because this is the first time you have sent to this email account, please confirm yourself so you'll be recognized when you send to me in the future.
It's simple. To prove your message comes from a human and not a computer, go to:
http://app1.mailblocks.com/confirm2.aspx?ck= *
If you have not confirmed within several days, your message will automatically be deleted.
*Note: If you did not send the above message to me, and you would like to report this email as unwanted, please notify Mailblocks by clicking here, and we will ensure that you do not receive any further notification regarding the above message. Mailblocks investigates all reports made using this link.
Dit is een service van het bedrijf mailblocks.com. De eerste mail die je Joichi stuurt worden gescand, alleen een levend persoon kan zich legitimeren. Alle spam wordt geblokt. Voor de eerste 5 mb rekent het bedrijf niks, meer verkeer is duurder.
via MvK
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